Touchstone Asset Management is an Australian equities manager with an index unaware approach to investing in quality companies at reasonable prices. The team aims for improved long-term investor returns, while also providing downside protection in adverse markets.
We believe successful investing is only achieved through combining aspects of both art and science.
The Australian equity market is far more concentrated – and therefore riskier – than many of its overseas counterparts, due to the disproportionately high weighting of its top 10-15 securities. This risk is mirrored in the majority of Australian managed portfolios (both active and passive) due to their index-based construction.
We also believe quality is often under-appreciated, despite quality companies tending to generate more enduring returns over the long term.
To counter these dynamics, Touchstone comprises a team of highly experienced and diverse investment professionals who take an index unaware approach to investing, with a bias toward investing in quality businesses at reasonable prices. We believe this strategy leads to improved longer-term investor returns, while also providing downside protection in adverse markets.
The business is majority-owned by the investment team, and we also invest in the strategy – ensuring our goals are aligned with those of our investors.